Live Workshop

Reconciliation and Forgiveness

Friday October 1st | 7:00 pm 
Saturday October 2nd | 3:00 pm
México City Time,

Live Workshop in Spanish
with simultaneous translation to English

Broadcast deferred in Spanish, English, and French on October 30th and October 31st.

"Forgiving from the heart, and not as a pure formalism, gives tranquility and reflects the greatness of the soul. You need to be at peace with yourself and with others.
To love is to vibrate with the Law of Universal Cohesion

Master Rafael



Esteban Meszaros Wild


Integral Human Development Instructor, Naturopathic Doctor, with interdisciplinary training in Chemistry and Universal Philosophy.

Humanist and educator, he has dedicated most of his life to practice and transmit disciplines that contribute to cultivating values and virtues in today’s society.

He has extensive experience in formulating, designing, and implementing educational programs, seminars, conferences, and workshops and working from a perspective of the holistic spiritual growth of the human being. He has visited many countries throughout the five continents, where he has been visiting professor at the best world universities.

Friday October 1st | 7:00 pm
Saturday October 2nd| 3:00 pm

México City Time
Live Workshop in Spanish
with simultaneous translation to English

Broadcast deferred on

October 30th and October 31st.

 in Spanish, English, and French


I. Overcoming fears

The strength of Faith How to achieve true freedom How to dissolve aggressiveness Self-confidence and motivation

II.Cultivating virtues

Love: Learning how to Give

Forgiveness: Freeing ourselves from criticism

Will: Gaining inner strength

Responsibility: Fulfilling our destiny

III. Higher Consciousness Project

Growing inner peace Discovering the true sense of existence Developing a higher consciousness Reconciliation with life and with others: Mastering life

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